Juliette McHardy

Juli­ette McHardy is a researcher and prac­ti­tioner of global health law and pol­icy with a focus on the eco­nomic and com­mer­cial deter­mi­nants of health, sex­ual and repro­duc­tive health and rights, and global gov­er­nance for health. She is an admit­ted bar­ris­ter and solic­i­tor of the New Zealand High Court.

Juli­ette is an eco­nomic and com­mer­cial deter­mi­nants of health con­sul­tant for the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion. She has pre­vi­ously worked as a con­sul­tant on sex­ual and repro­duc­tive health and rights with the O’Neill Insti­tute for National and Global Health Law and on fis­cal poli­cies for health with the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion.

On this web­site, you will find an overview of Juli­ette’s career and links to her aca­d­e­mic and tech­ni­cal pub­li­ca­tions. You can reach her on LinkedIn (juli­ette-mchardy), Twit­ter (mchardyjuli­ette), Threads (juli­ette.mchardy) and by email (msg.mchardy at pm.me).

About Me

Academic Publications

Technical Work