
Var­ied tech­ni­cal work on global health law and pol­icy, as well as related fields, through my work at lead­ing insti­tu­tions, like the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion and O’Neill Insti­tute, as well as with lead­ing aca­d­e­mics

World Health Organization

Geneva, Switzer­land
Eco­nomic and Com­mer­cial Deter­mi­nants Con­sul­tant
Jan 2023 - Pre­sent

Law and pol­icy con­sul­tant for the Com­mer­cial and Eco­nomic Deter­mi­nants Unit and Ambas­sador Team of the Social Deter­mi­nants of Health Depart­ment at WHO HQ. Con­tributed to the WHO report on the global tobacco epi­demic, 2023, co-author­ing its chap­ter on the WHO Frame­work Con­ven­tion on Tobacco Con­trol and the Illicit Trade Pro­to­col. Co-authored “A Med­ical Ethics Frame­work for Con­ver­sa­tional Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence”, dis­cussing the rel­e­vance of foun­da­tional prin­ci­ples of med­ical ethics to AI and map­ping these against known risks.


May 2022 - Dec 2022 · 8 mos

Law and pol­icy con­sul­tant for the Ambas­sador Team and Com­mer­cial and Eco­nomic Deter­mi­nants Unit of the Social Deter­mi­nants of Health Depart­ment at WHO HQ. Con­tributed to “Non­com­mu­ni­ca­ble Dis­eases: A Com­pendium” as the sec­ond author for its chap­ter on the WHO FCTC, high­light­ing the impor­tance of this legal frame­work for past and future progress on tobacco con­trol.


Sep 2021 - Dec 2022 · 1 yr 4 mos

Law and pol­icy con­sul­tant for the Fis­cal Poli­cies for Health Unit of the Health Pro­mo­tion Depart­ment at WHO HQ. Authored a WHO spe­cial issue arti­cle on the com­mer­cial deter­mi­nants of health in a WHO Health Pro­mo­tion Depart­ment spon­sored spe­cial issue of Health Pro­mo­tion Inter­na­tional.


Mar 2020 - Sep 2021 · 1 yr 7 mos

Con­tributed to a WHO man­ual on tobacco tax­a­tion, ana­lyz­ing and rebut­ting the tobacco indus­try’s argu­ments and tac­tics designed to under­mine tobacco tax reform. Co-authored a chap­ter on tobacco con­trol and global health in “Tobacco as a Global Health Risk Fac­tor: Dis­ease Bur­den, Pre­ven­tive Action and Reg­u­la­tory Chal­lenges”.

O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law

Wash­ing­ton, Dis­trict of Colum­bia, United States
Legal Con­sul­tant
Sep 2022 - Jul 2023 · 11 mos

Con­sul­tant with the Global Health Pol­icy and Pol­i­tics Ini­tia­tive, co-author­ing the arti­cle “The Future of Pan­demic Vac­cine Access”, reflect­ing on world­wide inequity in vac­cine access. Led the devel­op­ment of the HIV Lan­guage Com­pendium, a nego­ti­at­ing aid and advo­cacy tool launched at the 24th Inter­na­tional AIDS Con­fer­ence.


Sep 2021 - Sep 2022 · 1 yr 1 mo

Fel­low­ship with the Health and Human Rights Ini­tia­tive and the Global Health Pol­icy and Pol­i­tics Ini­tia­tive, con­tribut­ing to a report on IP rights imped­ing access to COVID-19 vac­cines.

Legal Internship

Jun 2019 - Dec 2019 · 7 mos
Geneva Area, Switzer­land

Intern in the Tobacco Con­trol Eco­nom­ics and Tobacco Free Ini­tia­tives teams, con­duct­ing legal research on reg­u­la­tory approaches for NCD pre­ven­tion and con­trol.

Legal Research Assistant

Sep 2018 - May 2019 · 9 mos
Wash­ing­ton D.C. Metro Area

Assisted Pro­fes­sor Gostin at the O’Neill Insti­tute with ongo­ing research projects, and pro­vided legal research assis­tance at George­town Uni­ver­sity Law Cen­ter’s Human Rights Insti­tute.

The University of Auckland

Auck­land, New Zealand
Legal Research Assis­tant
Jan 2017 - Jul 2018 · 1 yr 7 mos

Sup­ported Pro­fes­sor Ron Pater­son in his review for the New Zealand Defence Force on the Vet­er­ans’ Sup­port Act 2014, and assisted Pro­fes­sors Pater­son, Rish­worth, and Her­to­gen on var­i­ous law projects. Awarded a sum­mer research schol­ar­ship to assist Pro­fes­sor Anaru Erueti with research on indige­nous rights.

AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency)

Aug 2016 - Jan 2017 · 6 mos

Research assis­tance for Pro­fes­sor Pater­son’s review of interim chap­er­on­ing con­di­tions as a response to alle­ga­tions of sex­ual mis­con­duct by doc­tors.

Judicial Marshal

Jul 2016 · 1 mo
Hong Kong

Assisted a Jus­tice of the Court of Appeal of Hong Kong with legal research and admin­is­tra­tive sup­port.

Legal Research Assistant

Apr 2016 - Jun 2016 · 3 mos
Hong Kong

Sup­ported a Fac­ulty of Law Pro­fes­sor and Senior Coun­sel with research on Con­sti­tu­tional, Admin­is­tra­tive, and Human Rights mat­ters.