
Diiverse pub­li­ca­tions span­ning pol­icy briefs, book chap­ters, jour­nal arti­cles, reports, and online com­pen­dia that have con­tributed to build­ing the evi­dence base and advanc­ing pol­icy solu­tions for crit­i­cal global health issues like tobacco con­trol, access to med­i­cines, sex­ual and repro­duc­tive health rights, and the broader social, com­mer­cial, and polit­i­cal deter­mi­nants of health.

Findings from a Scoping Review on Community-led Responses for Sexual and Reproductive Health

O’Neill Insti­tute for National and Global Health Law · Feb 14, 2023

First author for this pol­icy brief focused on how strong com­mu­nity lead­er­ship and bet­ter laws and poli­cies act as pos­i­tive deter­mi­nants of sex­ual and repro­duc­tive health and rights.

Health Policy

Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand · Feb 9, 2023

Was a lead­ing mem­ber of the Pol­icy Devel­op­ment Group that reworked and rewrote the Health Pol­icy within a Te Ao Māori frame­work devel­oped by Dr Eliz­a­beth Kerekere, MP.

“The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products” in Noncommunicable Diseases: A Compendium

Rout­ledge · Jan 30, 2023

Sec­ond author for this chap­ter in which we set out the impor­tance of the WHO FCTC for past and future progress on tobacco con­trol.

Rainbow Policy

Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand · Nov 17, 2022

Was a lead­ing mem­ber of the Pol­icy Devel­op­ment Group that reworked and rewrote the Rain­bow Pol­icy within a Te Ao Māori frame­work devel­oped by Dr Eliz­a­beth Kerekere, MP.

Costs and benefits of community responses for sexual and reproductive health and the societal enablers: A scoping review

The O’Neill Insti­tute for National and Global Health Law · Jul 29, 2022

Lead author for this poster on the pre­lim­i­nary find­ings for a scop­ing review of the types, costs, ben­e­fits, and resourc­ing of com­mu­nity-led and other responses for sex­ual and repro­duc­tive health and rights. These find­ings were pre­sented at the 24th Inter­na­tional AIDS Con­fer­ence (July 29–August 2, 2022) in Mon­treal, Canada.

Where the world stands on the ‘10-10-10’ social enabler policies: mapping and analyzing progress and gaps

O’Neill Insti­tute for National and Global Health Law · Jul 29, 2022

Lead author for this poster in which the HIV Pol­icy Lab reviewed the state of enabling poli­cies needed to achieve the 10-10-10 goals. Mem­ber states at the 2021 UN High-Level Meet­ing on HIV/AIDS com­mit­ted to achiev­ing the 10-10-10 tar­gets to repeal puni­tive laws/poli­cies that tar­get key pop­u­la­tions and to imple­ment right-sup­port­ive laws/poli­cies that com­bat stigma, dis­crim­i­na­tion, and gen­der-based vio­lence. This poster was pre­sented at The 24th Inter­na­tional AIDS Con­fer­ence (IAC) (July 29–August 2, 2022) in Mon­treal, Canada.

HIV/AIDS Language Compendium of internationally agreed terms, concepts, definitions and evidence for rights-based responses

Jan 2021 - Jul 2023

Asso­ci­ated with O’Neill Insti­tute for National and Global Health Law

Pro­ject lead for this live ref­er­ence source. The Com­pendium is founded on research and analy­sis on Mem­ber State agree­ment on the use of key lan­guage in meet­ings of the Gen­eral Assem­bly and other UN organs and gov­er­nance bod­ies as well as in the human rights sys­tem and the offi­cial pub­li­ca­tions of UN sec­re­tari­ats. These selec­tions are cat­e­gorised by topic (e.g., gen­der equal­ity), source type (e.g., inter­gov­ern­men­tal evi­dence), and util­ity (i.e., as evi­dence or prece­dent).

Our Rights Matter: Advancing Commitments on HIV-AIDS Responses in the UN System

Jul 29, 2022

At the 24th Inter­na­tional AIDS Con­fer­ence, I pre­sented for the launch of the HIV Lan­guage Com­pendium at a high-level event which brought together rep­re­sen­ta­tions of like-minded mem­ber states and civil soci­ety to dis­cuss strate­gies and coor­di­na­tion for pro­tect­ing and advanc­ing polit­i­cal com­mit­ments on rights-based responses to HIV-AIDS in the UN Sys­tem.

The WHO FCTC’s lessons for addressing the commercial determinants of health

Health Pro­mo­tion Inter­na­tional · Dec 12, 2021

Sole author for this peer-reviewed jour­nal arti­cle. I show that the tobacco con­trol expe­ri­ence and the imple­men­ta­tion of the WHO Frame­work Con­ven­tion on Tobacco Con­trol (WHO FCTC) pro­vides a unique, com­pre­hen­sive, and fully sub­stan­ti­ated guide for how the com­mer­cial deter­mi­nants of health can be improved by pre­vent­ing indus­try actors whose profit lies in harm­ing health from wield­ing influ­ence over the insti­tu­tions and actors of global and national gov­er­nance.

COVID-19 Vaccines and Intellectual Property

The Global Health Secu­rity Net­work · Nov 29, 2021

Third author for this report, a joint ini­tia­tive between the Global Health Secu­rity Net­work and George­town Uni­ver­sity’s O’Neill Insti­tute, out­lines not only how and why IP rights are imped­ing efforts to make COVID vac­cines acces­si­ble to all, but also offers some prac­ti­cal solu­tions for address­ing the cur­rent vac­cine short­ages and build­ing a more equi­table sys­tem for the future.

The Membership Lottery: New Zealand’s COVID-19 Quarantine and the Convergence of Border and Infectious Disease Control

Bor­der Crim­i­nolo­gies · Nov 29, 2021

A co-authored blog post on COVID-19 related bor­der restric­tions. We cri­tique approaches that val­orise exclu­sion in the name of pub­lic health. We note that those penalised are usu­ally peo­ple who are already sub­ject to inequitable restric­tions on their global mobil­ity—we take New Zealand as our case study.

WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic 2021: addressing new and emerging products

World Health Orga­ni­za­tion · Jul 21, 2021

Con­tributed to this pub­li­ca­tion’s chap­ter “The WHO Frame­work Con­ven­tion on Tobacco Con­trol and Pro­to­col to Elim­i­nate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Prod­ucts” as lead author for its out­line and first draft as well as sup­port­ing work on sub­se­quent revi­sions.

“Tobacco as Global Health Risk Factor” in Handbook of Global Health

Springer · May 12, 2021

Sec­ond author for this major new ref­er­ence work on global health and tobacco con­trol.

WHO technical manual on tobacco tax policy and administration

World Health Orga­ni­za­tion · Apr 12, 2021

Con­tributed to this pub­li­ca­tion as lead researcher and author for sec­tion 4.2 titled “SCARE tac­tic C: Court and legal chal­lenges” and as sec­ond author and tech­ni­cal con­trib­u­tor for sec­tions 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6 titled, respec­tively “SCARE tac­tic R: Rev­enue reduc­tion”, “SCARE tac­tic E: Employ­ment impact”, and “Ear­mark­ing tobacco tax rev­enues to fund”.

Delhi In A Chokehold: Air Pollution As A Public Health Emergency

Health Affairs Fore­front · May 2, 2020

Lead author for this piece on the law, pol­icy, and polit­i­cal econ­omy issues sur­round­ing efforts at address­ing the major health emer­gency of air pol­lu­tion in Delhi.

Independent review of the use of chaperones to protect patients in Australia

Feb 2, 2017

Pro­vided research con­tri­bu­tions on for­eign prece­dents cases and poli­cies derived from tri­bunal, court, and reg­u­la­tory deci­sions for this report com­mis­sioned by the Med­ical Board of Aus­tralia and the Aus­tralian Health Prac­ti­tioner Reg­u­la­tion Agency.